apex ultima Protek Duralife
apex ultima Protek Duralife
Ultra-durable high-tech exterior emulsion paint, Apex Ultima Protek Duralife is a nanotechnology based paint that promises to keep walls protected from dampness, cracks and colour fading. This lead free paint comes with long-lasting durability for the severest of climatic conditions.
Here's why Ultima Protek Duralife is perfect for your home.
Forms a barrier against water penetration and provides exceptional waterproofing
Keep your walls fresh looking for long, come rain, sun, or storm
A first of its kind 15-year performance warranty, which includes a 10-year waterproofing and anti-algal warranty
Keep your walls fresh looking for long, come rain, sun, or storm
STRUCTURAL PROTECTION- Higher longevity leading to better structural protection.
CRACK BRIDGING-Fiber reinforcement that offers crack bridging ability of up to 2 mm.
SUPERIOR CLEANABILITY-Ease in cleaning rust, dirt and bird droppings ensuring exteriors look fresh for long.
LOW VOC-Meets the LEED VOC criteria as per Indian Green Building Council.